Edgemead Garden City

Edgemead, founded in 1972,

is a Garden Cities development

Nestled between the Plattekloof Heritage site and Bothasig it’s a leafy suburb boasting a number of public open spaces.

It has both a primary and high school making it a popular choice for families. There are also many sporting clubs to choose from. Edgemead has a comprehensive library with a book of interest for everyone and a small shopping centre conveniently located in the centre of the suburb.

Latest News

We publish Edgemead news editions on a fourt-nightly bases to keep you updated on lour latest news and events.


The current constitution was passed at the general meeting held on 25 October 2011.

Schools & Sports

The first organisations to be formed in our suburb was the Edgemead Sports Association and a survey was carried out to see out which sports were popular with residents.

Edgemead LPR

The Edgemead Residents’ Association (ERA), Edgemead Neighbourhood Watch (EWN), Bothasig Neighbourhood Watch (BNW) and Bothasig Community Policing Forum (BCPF)


A close South African friend of Howard’s, Richard Stuttaford, visited some of these projects and was so impressed that he detailed proposals for a housing association.


If you would like further information you can view our current flyer. You are welcome to print out copies to share with your neighbours.

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