About Edgemead

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All you need to know about Edgemead

Edgemead, founded in 1972, is a Garden Cities development.

Nestled between the Plattekloof Heritage site and Bothasig it’s a leafy suburb boasting a number of public open spaces. It has both a primary and high school making it a popular choice for families.

There are also many sporting clubs to choose from.

Edgemead has a comprehensive library with a book of interest for everyone and a small shopping centre conveniently located in the centre of the suburb.


Did you ever wonder how Edgemead came into being?

 The Garden City movement was founded in England in the late 1800’s by Ebenezer Howard, who was later knighted for his achievements.  His aim was to construct self-contained, planned towns with adequate space for schools, roads, sports facilities, churches, shops and the other requirements of improved living and social conditions, instead of the appalling overcrowding that arose from rapid industrialisation.

 A close South African friend of Howard’s, Richard Stuttaford, visited some of these projects and was so impressed that he detailed proposals for a housing association and, in 1919, the formation of a Garden Cities Trust was approved by the Union Parliament.  400 morgen of state land was donated, and a cash donation of £10,000 from Mr Stuttaford comprised the Trust’s original capital, with which South Africa’s first Garden City, Pinelands, was established.

In 1967 negotiations were concluded for the acquisition of a 263 ha. portion of the farm Plattekloof, lying at the foot of the Tygerberg Hills.  Additional land was acquired, and Edgemead now occupies more than 340 ha.  Considerable attention was given to physical environment, and use was made of cul-de-sacs, curved roads, footpaths, carefully sited informal open spaces and playgrounds to create an attractive village environment.

To further enhance the “streetscape”, houses were linked by walls so that yards, washlines, refuse bins and other unsightly activities were not exposed to the street.  It was interesting to note that these, and other aesthetic controls exercised by Garden Cities, were enthusiastically supported by residents.

The houses were built of the best quality materials and sited to maximise privacy and to enable future extension if desired.  To reduce initial cost, one in three houses was provided with a garage, although provision was made for two garages on each plot.  And, based on an analysis of size of SA families, and for cost reasons, there was a rationalisation in the number of two, three and four bedroom units built.

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