We publish Edgemead News every second month

Edgemead News Nov/Dec 2024

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News Sept/Oct 2024

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News July/Aug 2024

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News May/June 2024

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News March/April 2024

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News January/February 2024

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News November/December 2023

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News September/October 2023

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News July/August 2023

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News May/June 2023

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News March/April 2023

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News January/February 2023

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News November/December 2022

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News September/October 2022

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News July/August 2022

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News May/June 2022

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News March/April 2022

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News January/February 2022

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News November/December 2021

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News September/October 2021

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News July/August 2021

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News May/June 2021

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News March/April 2021

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News November/December 2020

The electronic version is available, click below and enjoy

Edgemead News March/April 2020

We were in the final stages of the Edgemead News distribution when the lockdown was announced and it quickly became evident that there was no way to get it to your postbox within the allotted time.

Nevertheless as we enter level 3 we are now able to distribute, which means the electronic copy is now also available. Enjoy!


For official updates on the COVID-19 pandemic from the Department of Health in the Republic of South Africa, please visit:

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

Note: As some of you may have noticed our article regarding the proposed electricity increase, was no longer current at the time you received your copy of the Edgemead News. Article submissions closed on the 18th of May and our final proof was sent to the printers on the 24th of May. The announcement to halt the increase was published on the 30th of May. Our information was correct and verifiable, and all criticisms grounded, at the time of going to print. As anyone in the publication industry knows when it’s final, it’s final!


The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

There will be a public meeting, on 3 September in Heathfield from 2-4PM, about cell mast policies in Cape Town. All members of the public are welcome to attend.

For more information visit:

The electronic version is now available, enjoy!

There will be a special general meeting on 10 August 2016, 18:00 at the Monte Vista / Edgemead Community Hall. The topic of discussion will the Cape Town International Runway Realignment Project. SRK Consulting will be offering a feedback session based on questions from residents. Please submit your questions to so we can collate and pass them on to SRK prior to the meeting. We urge all residents to attend.

The final EIA documents are now available:
If you are pressed for time you should at least try to read the executive summary (445354_CTIA Runway Realignment_Final EIA Report_Executive Summary_July 2016). There is also a lot of detailed information in the noise reports (Appendix 6C_ Noise Specialist Study_Part1&Part2, Appendix 6D_Noise Independent Review). The property valuation study may also be of interest (Appendix 6J_Property Valuation Study).

If you’ve read the recent article in Tabletalk you will know that recently two masts were built illegally in Edgemead without the required plans. The mast at the Engen on the corner of Edgemead Drive and Bosmansdam has subsequently been removed, while the mast in Southdale Road remains. The applicant, Warren Petterson Planning, representing Telkom mobile, has only submitted plans for approval after the mast had been built.

The Edgemead Residents’ Association has actively canvassed the residents who received notice from the City for objections. We’d like to open this opportunity up to other residents as well. If you live in Edgemead and you would like to submit an objection you are welcome to use our objection letter or modify it as you see fit.

Objections can be sent in email to the District Manager on: Closing date is 6 July 2016.

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Our Annual General Meeting will take place on 20 April, 19h00 at the Edgemead High School. Please invite your neighbors. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.

Our guest speaker Mike Voortman, Chairman of Constantia Watch and the Constantia Valley Watches Association, will present an informative talk on License Plate Recognition (LPR) systems and their community control room.

If you would like to give your time and actively help, you are welcome to nominate yourself (or someone else) to join the Edgemead Residents Association committee. In particular we are looking for a Treasurer and Secretary. If you know of anyone who has skills and capacity in either of these spaces, please do let us know. We would really appreciate it.

Nomination forms are available from our website. You can also view our constitution online.

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Eskom have installed an ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station in Edgemead to monitor the emissions from the Acacia Power Station. We would like to thank Eskom for engaging with the community and initiating the installation of this station.

You can read more in the full press release.

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Name: Biscuits
Area Last Seen: On Friday, 21st August in Twickenham Way, Edgemead
Brief Description: Brownish/yellowish Tabby cat. No name tag.
Additional: This is my second cat that disappeared in a period of 2 months. My first one was a greyish Tabby called by the named Junior. She also appears on this photo.
Contact Name and Number: Deliah 0734407248

Name: Pixel
Area Last Seen: Missing since 27 August 2015 from Le Rouge complex in Burgundy Estate
Brief Description: Black female. Yellow/green eyes. Young adult but very small. Luminescent green collar. No ID or chip.
Contact Name and Number: Alicia 0810241734

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Just a quick update to say thank you to those who took the time out to sign an objection letter. The ERA submitted just over 1500 letters on behalf of residents. These have been acknowledged as received and will be submitted with the EIA report.

We have a received a request from SRK for those that have signed an objection letter to please follow-up in email to or In terms of the EIA Regulations, they are required to register any person who submits comment on the project database. Those registered will be notified of, for example, the availability of the Final EIA Report. Ideally, this is best done via email rather than post. This does not affect the status of your submission, but will make future communication with you much easier.

Just a quick word of thanks for the support from Edgemead and surrounding residents. We have so far submitted just over 900 objection letters on your behalf. We will keep submitting letters up to the closing date. We have been told by SRK that everything they have in their mailboxes upon arrival at work on Tuesday morning the 26th will be considered.

We have received last minute notice that the venue has moved to the Edgemead / Monte Vista Community Hall, Edgemead Drive. Date remains unchanged at 13 May. You can visit any time from 15:00 to 19:00.

Just a quick word of thanks for the support from Edgemead and surrounding residents. We have so far submitted just over 900 objection letters on your behalf. We will keep submitting letters up to the closing date. We have been told by SRK that everything they have in their mailboxes upon arrival at work on Tuesday morning the 26th will be considered.

There are some very real consequences to a new runway and flight path directly over Edgeamead and Bothasig.

• Dramatic increase in noise directly above you
• Passenger flights from 05:45 to 00:15
• Cargo flights at 02:00, 03:15 and 04:00
• Increase from 25 to 44 flights per hour
• Larger aircraft
• Potential negative effect on property value
• Air quality: Increased atmospheric emissions
• Increased noise exposure can affect your sleep patterns and overall well-being

Be sure to make time to attend the public meeting on the 13th of May and submit your comments to the contacts listed on the SRK website.

As should hopefully already be aware that Cape Town International Airport is undertaking a runway re-alignment project. An environmental impact assessment has started which necessitates public participation. A key portion of the re-alignment project are the proposed new flight paths which could see many more airplanes travelling over Edgemead resulting in a lot more noise pollution. It is important that you make your voice heard and either suggest alternative routes such as further South West over Montague Gardens and Killarney Gardens or query why existing paths cannot be maintained.

There is an open day at Bothasig Hall, Link Road, Bothasig on 13 May 2015, 15:00 – 19:00. Please make the time to attend.

More information can be found on the SRK website. You should consult the documents under Appendix 6C – Noise Study and Appendix 6E – Noise Review.

As proposed and ratified at the AGM held on 22 April 2015, public meetings will be reduced from 2 to 1 annually.

The constitution has been updated to reflect this change and is now available for download: Edgemead Residents Association Constitution v2

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Our Annual General Meeting will take place on 22 April, 19h00 at the Edgemead High School. Please invite your neighbours. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.

If you would like to give your time and actively help, you are welcome to nominate yourself (or someone else) to join the Edgemead Residents Association committee. In particular we are looking for a Treasurer and Secretary. If you know of anyone who has skills and capacity in either of these spaces, please do let us know. We would really appreciate it.

Nomination forms are available from our website. You can also view our constitution online.


We finally have an official contact person at Eskom who will be able to deal with your questions or complaints regarding the Acacia power station.

You can direct your queries to: Ncedo Ntamnani
Telephone: 021 915 1941
Cellphone: 071 554 6801

Please be sure to include your address as well as an accurate time when you experienced your problem.

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

For those of you who missed out on the presentation by Craig Pedersen and a free copy of his book at our General Meeting last week, you are in luck. Craig has made his book free to download on his website. 

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Alderman James Vos has called a meeting with Eskom to discuss the Acacia Power Station. The meeting will take place on Thursday 27 February at 6pm at the Edgemead Community Hall. The public are invited to attent

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

A quick reminder for those that have recently moved to Edgemead to register for your new ward. You can check your registration status online on the IEC Website. You can also SMS your ID Number to 32810 (R1.00 per SMS sent or received).The registration stations are: Edgemead Community Hall, Edgemead High School and Edgemead Primary School. Stations are open between 8am and 5pm on the weekend of 9 & 10 November 2013.

Your hard copy of Edgemead News should have been delivered last week. You can now also download the electronic version. Enjoy!

Rather than wait for spring, we’ve decided to turn over a new leaf in the middle of winter. We hope you enjoy the new look.

The contacts page has been updated, in particular the sports clubs. If you are aware of any updates or changes, that we may have missed please let us know.

You can now also follow us on twitter @edgemeadnews.

The latest edition of Edgemead News will be delivered to your post box today. Extra copies are available in limited quantities at the Library.

You can also download the digital version here: Edgemead_News_2013_05







Ÿ Hear the City’s Disaster Risk Management team give an

important presentation on the basics of survival:

fresh water, clean food, keeping warm, etc.

Learn how to look after yourself and your family by planning

and preparing for an emergency or disaster.


Ÿ Have your say and ask questions of the

ERA Committee and Councillor James Vos.


Ÿ Elect your new ERA Committee.


Ÿ Enjoy tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat after the meeting.



every resident of Edgemead aged 18 or over

is automatically a member of ERA.

You do not have to own a property.

There are no membership fees.

Your hard copy of Edgemead News should have been delivered last week. You can now also download the electronic version. Enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Your hard copy of Edgemead News should have been delivered last week. You can now also download the electronic version. Enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

Your hard copy of Edgemead News should have been delivered last week. You can now also download the electronic version. Enjoy!

The electronic version is now available for download, enjoy!

This beautiful, loving female staffie was found 24th April 2012 8am on the Monte Vista Boulevard. It is apparent that she comes from a loving home and is well cared for. Please contact us if she is yours.

We can be contacted on 0215587391 or 084511488

We had such a lovely turnout at the recent 40th anniversary of Edgemead celebrations and would like to thank the public for their support. The guest speakers entertained us with a number of interesting stories from the history of Edgemead and we are sure it was enjoyed by all. We’ve made the slide show available for download (link below). A special thank you to Andre van Wilgen our desktop publishing guru who spent countless hours assembling the slide show with information supplied from helpful sources.

We’d also like to announce the new committee members for 2012/2013. In no particular order:
Lorraine Mc Murdo
Rocco Du Plessis
Judy Kidwell
Heather-Lee Beckley
Andre Van Wilgen
Carl Witten
Jeremy Beckley

If there is anyone who is still interested in joining the committee, please contact us. We are also looking for an editor to take over the Edgemead News.

Slide show download:
Note: If you experience difficulty downloading this file using Internet Explorer try right clicking on the link and selecting “Save Target As”.

The March issues is a whopping 20 pages and is now available for download. Enjoy!

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Edgemead Residents Association to be held at the Edgemead / Monte Vista Community Hall at 19:30 on Wednesday 18th of April 2012.

Join us in celebrating Edgemead’s 40 year Anniversary. Guest speakers will be entertaining us with stories and pictures from Edgemead’s history, followed by drinks and snacks.

A new committee will also be elected on the evening. Nomination forms are available at the Library or can be downloaded from our website
and must be posted to the Association at P.O.Box 1, Edgemead 7407 at least 15 days before the date of the meeting.

Copies of the constitution and nomination forms can be found on the from the links above.

January Issue is now online. Enjoy!

A prosperous 2012 to all!

Apologies for the delay, the November 2011 issue is now available for download.

Important events taking place at Edgemead/Monte Vista library Oct/Nov 2011

The AGM of the Friends of Edgemead/Monte Vista Library will take place on the 2 November 2011 from 16h00 to 17h00 at Edgemead/Monte Vista Library. We need our community to be involved in the Friends of the Library which is an organization that assists, amongst other things, in providing much needed extra funds for the Library . Events like Art Exhibitions, Craft Markets and Car Boot sales also give individuals an opportunity to generate extra income for themselves and the Library.

Friday Coffee Shop Morning on the 28th October 2011 – We share Home Health Remedies.

Car Boot Sales: 29/10; 5/11; 26/11; 3/12 2011.

Summer Craft Market: 25/11 to 2/12 2011.

Booking essential for these events. Application Forms available at the Library.

Draft of the new constitution for Edgemead Residents Association to be tabled for adoption at the public meeting on tuesday, 25th october 2011

Copies of the Draft Document are available for viewing at Edgemead Library and on the Association website in PDF Format. Download: Draft Constitution for Public Comment. Copies will be emailed to residents on request. Please contact the Secretary at edgemead dot ra at gmail dot com

In terms of the existing Constitution, the change may only be approved by a two-thirds majority of members present and entitled to vote at an Annual, General or Special General Meeting of the Association.

Comments in advance of the Meeting on 25 October 2011 may be emailed to edgemead dot ra at gmail dot com or posted to P.O. Box 1, Edgemead 7407

The September issue is now available for download. You should have received your printed copy today.

There are two versions: One of a smaller size, but noticeably lower resolution images. The higher resolution version will look much better, but is not recommended for people with slow internet connections.

The July issue is now available for download. You should have received your printed copy today.

There are two versions: One of a smaller size, but noticeably lower resolution images. The higher resolution version will look much better, but is not recommended for people with slow internet connections.

The March and May issues are now available in digital format. Apologies for the delay and enjoy!

There are two versions: One of a smaller size, but noticeably lower resolution images. The higher resolution version will look much better, but is not recommended for people with slow internet connections.

March 2011 Issue

May 2011 Issue

The office bearer positions have been elected as follows:
Chairman: Gary Dewing
Secretary: Lee Engeler
Vice Chairman: David van den Berg
Treasurer: Peter Loveland

Congratulations. Already there is a positive vibe in the new committee to get on with things. We wish them all the best!

At the AGM of 25 May 2011, the following people were nominated to serve on the new committee:
Myra Horn
Peter Loveland
David van den Berg
Andre du Plessis
Reece Hanning
Gary Dewing
Lee Engeler
Rocco du Plessis
Emile Coetzee
Pat Dosson

Congratulations to all!

The office bearer positions have been elected as follows:
Chairman: Gary Dewing
Secretary: Lee Engeler
Vice Chairman: David van den Berg
Treasurer: Peter Loveland

Congratulations. Already there is a positive vibe in the new committee to get on with things. We wish them all the best!

Quick reminder that the AGM will take place on the 25th of May, 7PM at the Edgemead Community Hall.


We are please to announce we now have the facility to advertise lost & found pets for the Edgemead and surrounding areas. For more information please follow the link in to top menu.

  • The installation of concrete media barriers on the N1 in the vicinity of the N7 interchange.
  • Upgrading of road traffic direction signs on the N1 and N7.
  • Extension of the existing left lane of the N1 (direction Paarl) to the Monte Vista Boulevard off-ramp. This lane currently merges with the second lane from the left but will continue to the Monte Vista Interchange. There will therefore be 2 lanes leaving the N1 at Monte Vista.
  • Addition of a west-bound (towards Montague Gardens) lane on Bosmansdam Road approaching the eastern terminal of the N7/Bosmansdam Interchange.
  • Addition of a short west-bound lane on Bosmansdam Road between the eastern terminal and the bridge over the N7
  • Addition of a right-turn lane to the east-bound (towards Bothasig) approach of Bosmansdam Road to the eastern terminal of the N7/Bosmansdam Interchange.
  • Re-marking of the link between east- and west-bound carriageways of Bosmansdam Road (at the eastern terminal of the interchange) to provide two right-turn lanes towards Montague Gardens.

In a recent feedback report from Councillor Vos the following information was made known to us:

Edgemead we can look forward to some positive progress in Bains Way in future years. I am sure that you will agree with me that that the undeveloped open space in this road has caused many problems to the local community as far as dumping and squatting is concerned. After many years of numerous meetings and letters we have now finally received confirmation from the Provincial authorities that this site is allocated to the Edgemead High School for sporting purposes. I am very excited with the outcome of this matter as it now provides the Edgemead schools with an opportunity to further their development and promotion of sport and recreation amongst our youth. We now require the support and backing of business and community to turn this unsightly bush into pleasant sporting grounds for the enjoyment of everyone.

If you would like to offer your support please contact us or get in touch with Councillor Vos directly.


You have a second chance to register if you missed the opportunity earlier this month.

Registration for the local government elections will be held on the 5th and 6th of March, 2011. Registration locations for Edgemead are: Edgemead community hall, Edgemead high school and Edgemead primary school. Registration is open from 8am – 5pm.

More information can be obtained from the siee where you can also check your registration status.


January issue is now available for download. You should have received your printed copy last week Thursday.

There are two versions: One of a smaller size, but noticeably lower resolution images. The higher resolution version will look much better, but is not recommended for people with slow internet connections.

Registration for the local government elections will be held on the 5th and 6th of February, 2011. Registation locations for Edgemead are: Edgemead community hall, Edgemead high school and Edgemead primary school. Registration is open from 8am – 5pm.

More information can be obtained from the site where you can also check your registration status.


As some of you may already have noticed, the recycling igloos at the Edgemead Library have been removed. Their new home is now alongside the existing igloos at the Edgemead Shopping Centre.

If you have items other than those that can be dropped off at the igloos you can visit the Tygerdal, Welgelegen or 5th Avenue Parow drop off sites. The following items can be dropped off: Paper, Plastics, Cardboard, Metal, Glass bottles, Tetra-Pek, Polystyrene, Electronic Waste, Mixed Recyclables and other materials. Mixed recyclables e.g. mingled paper, plastics etc. These recyclables are not sorted into different recyclable streams. Any “other” recyclables apart from what is listed in the table above, e.g. white goods, wood, bricks, etc.

These materials are then taken to the recycling companies in the industry, such as, Consol, Mondi, SA Metal, Recycling associations, etc.

You can locate all these sites from the map page.

May you and your family have a prosperous 2011.

The year certainly is starting with a bang which should see our first issue of Edgemead News for the year out by the end of January. Keep an eye on those letter boxes. Copies will of course be available online as well.


Our latest issue should be in your postboxes shortly. For those of you with the benefit of the internet you can grab the latest copy in PDF format from the links below. A big thank you to Lee and Kurt Engeler for offering to help out with this issue while we wait on tender offers for future issues. If you are interested in taking on this challenge you can find more information on page 12.

There are two versions: One of a smaller size, but noticeably lower quality images. The higher quality version will look much better, but is not recommended for people with slow internet connections.

This will soon be the new home of Edgemead News.